
Along with sewing and cooking, I love to craft!  Though I don't do it too much, I'm not afraid to dabble in a little bit of painting, gluing, designing and putting things together.  From time to time, I'll be sharing with you some of the craft projects that come my way.  I'm thinking about repainting a couple of small side tables, so when that comes about, I'll share the how-to steps on those.  And, maybe even some craft projects that I may not necessarily do, but catch my eye and are worthy of sharing with you.

One of my favorite hobbies is scrapbooking!  As I share some of the pages I get completed (and I am SO far behind!!), I hope that it will inspire you to try your hand at it if you're not already a 'scrapbooker'.  Plus, I am learning how to do digital scrapbooking...it's lots of fun and so easy I am finding out.  Or maybe it will inspire you to get back on the bandwagon, like me,and maybe we can encourage one another.  I'd love to see what you are doing.

Have a happy day!~

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