~Home and Garden~
Several years ago, we built a new farmhouse style home but the goal was to make it look like an OLD farmhouse. Yep, that's right....I wanted my house to look old! Not only the outside but the inside, too. I'll share with you some of the steps that were taken to make it look that way.
I'll also show you how I decorate my home and the things I love to collect...things that are old, a bit rustic, a bit shabby and rather eclectic. I guess you could call my style shabby farmhouse/cottage.
I also love my flower gardens but they are sorely neglected! The heat has been horrible this summer and so tending to them has been an uphill battle. Due to health reasons, I'm not able to work in them like I should but I do hire a young teenager to help keep it clean. Maybe between the both of us, we can make it more presentable to share with you. Hint...I love perennials!!
Home is where the heart is ~
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