Wednesday, May 30, 2012

~Severe Weather and Giveaway Winner~

Whew, it's been a flurry of activities around here for the last several days!  Almost at the last minute, we made a quick trip to Omaha to not only see our son and his family but to buy a new truck for our RV.  More about that later.

Taken by one of my Facebook friends
For the last couple of days, we have been experiencing really severe weather here in Oklahoma, which is not unusual as we are in the smack dab in the middle of tornado alley but we are also blessed to have the National Weather Service located in our state with the most up-to-date radar and technology available making us the most informed people in the country!

Taken by one of my Facebook friends
A couple of pictures posted by some of my FB friends.  Absolutely breathtaking, aren't they?

News source:
 Some areas of the state were being soaked with 5 to 7 inches of rain along with being pummeled by hail.  Anywhere from the size of a quarter to the size of a softball!!   Pretty good size, huh?  There was one shown on the news last night that literally covered the woman's entire hand!  Probably the size of a grapefruit.

News source:
 I can remember, years ago, we had a storm roll through with grapefruit size hail hitting our area causing horrific damage so it's not unusual.  Just not something you want to happen on a regular basis.  Can you imagine?  It's like being in the midst of a military battle!!

News source:
The worst of the weather went around us but we did have a tremendous lightning storm.  I wasn't brave enough to go out and try to take any pictures.  One brave soul did though.  Somewhere in the city.

Taken by my daughter
This is a picture my older daughter took out at her place.  I like what she said...."when life sends a storm, look for the silver lining."  Isn't that great?  Even in the midst of all this severe weather, there is much beauty to behold.  God is so good.  Only He can create such breathtaking beauty. 

News source:
We're expecting round three of the severe weather today with 80 mph wind and softball size hail.  What a beautiful reminder that He is in control and His promises are always with us.  Even though this type of weather is not unusual for our state, it's still scary but we won't head for the hills.  We'll be on our toes and will be watching the minute by minute details on TV.  Thankfully, we have a cellar near the house that we can run to if necessary.

Okay, on to the GOOD news!  Finally.  It's time to give away the needlebook that I made for one of you.  I have a very scientific way of picking a winner.

 I write each name on a scrap piece of paper, wad it up and put it in my nifty little giveaway bowl.

 Shake and toss them around several times and the first wad that falls out is the winner.

And the winner is...Heather of Vintage Grey!!  Congratulations Heather!  I'll drop you an email to get your mailing address.  I truly enjoyed reading each of your comments about Mother's Day.

By the way, are you guys impressed with my scientific method of drawing a winner?  Pretty neat, huh?  I think I'll have to patent it. :)

I pray that your day is calm and beautiful~

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  1. Wow those were some storms you had. The hail is so big, I've never seen any like that. Glad you survived.

  2. Holy Moly..
    You guys certainly had some gully washers there! So glad that everyone is safe and sound.

    Congrats to Heather! She's a gal that loves handiwork, and she will really love winning the needle book :)

    Waiting to hear about getting a new vehicle for the trailer.. hope it's a good thing.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Smiles :)

  3. What crazy weather you've been having!! Pretty amazing hail! Will be praying for better weather, and safety!! I have a friend who lives in Tulsa, and I am not sure if the weather has been the same there. I'll have to check in with her!! Yay!! I am so excited to have one your sweet needle book!! I just sent you an email!! Thanks again for such a great giveaway!! I can't wait!! Have a lovely day Velma!! xo Heather

  4. You know when they said that on the news last night my husband and I just grimaced. Softball size, now that will damage things. I am so glad you are all okay and that you have that beautiful double rainbow to show for HIS mercy. Smiles...Renee.

    That needlebook couldn't go to a sweeter person....Heather is a sweetheart.

  5. Love the pictures--especially the last two. My sister-in-law and her family live in Edmond--they are dealing with bad weather too.

    Stay safe.


  6. Congrats to Vintage Gray, I know she will enjoy your sweet little notebook.
    That's some serious hail! It would do great damage I'm afraid.
    Have a good day and I hope the next storm passes you by.
    Hugs, Cindy

  7. When you say the word Oklahoma, I think bad storms and tornadoes. You have had more than your share of bad weather the past couple years, I am hoping it gets better, keep your head down. I have seen hail, but never that huge!


  8. I'll pray you stay safe. I haven't been watching the weather because they're always wrong for us so I check the internet and then if there's anything on there before I go to bed I turn on the weather radio.
    Congrats to Vintage Grey!

  9. Good Morning Velma. :o)
    You are the winner of my little fat quarter give a way! yay!! :o) Please email me with you mailing address and I will be placing your fabrics in the mail.
    Have a great day. :o)
    Sincerely, Trish
    ps. I LOVE your blog. :o)

  10. What an exciting post! And, what a joy to find your uplifting blog! I lived in Tennessee for 13 years and can relate to the thrill, exhiliration and fear of tornadic weather! God's beauty, power and creation is so breathtaking!
    I love your blog and am happy to have found you...thanks to suelovescherries!
    I'm so happy to see that Heather won your giveaway! She is a sweet friend of mine, too.
    Have a blessed day!


Thank you for stopping by and sharing your comments and questions with me. They are precious to me as I read each and every one. I try to respond within a couple of days, so hang tight if I'm falling behind. ~Velma